Well it's been awhile since my last entry. New projects to work on, hard drive crashed you know things like that. No seriously I'm in a band now playing the guitar. Lotsa fun. We did Christmas -Holiday music in December. Of course I had to learn all the music most of which was on an acoustic guitar. I realized that it's a different technique than electric which I'm more used to. Still it was lots of fun. We are now rehearsing for more mainstream music in the lounge style or Mad Men tv show 60's style. Still more fun. Don't know if I can take all this fun. But I bet I can! Seriously my hard drive crashed did I say? Yep last November it went kaput. My other hobby/profession is as a photographer and I had over a thousand photos on my hard drive. Well that's no problem Dave you say, surely you had them all backed up on an external hard drive, right? Right? Well I took my iMac down to the mall where they have an Apple Store to get it checked out. They got this thing there called a genius bar. Not sure what that is supposed to mean. They had all these nerdy looking people behind it who I guess looked like geniuses. One of them told me he couldn't find anything on my hard drive. Like it was wiped clean. But not to fear there were people that could resurrect any lost data. For a price. Well I took it there and they did indeed find everything. Yes sir everything but my pictures. Very strange they said. You did they said back everything up on an external hard drive -right? Well- yes I did. Then just bring that in and we'll transfer everything to your new hard drive. I did and they did. Except there were no pictures there either. Curiouser and curiouser. So after much more work on my computer the bottom line is I lost those thousand plus pictures. A whole years worth of hard work in the fields literally so to speak. Flowers -remember. Anyway I've since been told by various people that all might not be lost yet. They could still yet be found if I just let them look at it. So we have our projects this Winter. You know really- this computer is only 4 years old. I told the genius guy that and said I thought these things last forever. He looked at me and smiled with a genius smile and said -"nothing lasts forever". Tell me about it--my brother who is 3 years younger just had his 2nd hip replaced. Jeesh.
Stay tuned.