Sunday, July 17, 2011

A bus ride into the Twilight Zone

I went to an all boys Catholic Prep High School. More on that one later! My Junior year our basketball team was doing really well and we made it to the quarter finals of the state championship. The game was to be played in Pontiac, Mi. and our school was in Detroit. So that meant we took the school bus to the game.
It was a dark and stormy night-wait where have I heard that one before-of course it was dark it was night. Who writes like this anyway. It was dark and it was stormy and as we drove the 70 or so miles to Pontiac the rain let up but fog appeared getting denser and denser the closer we got to Pontiac. At the school were the game was to be played the bus driver pulled into the huge parking lot and announced that he couldn't see very well and he couldn't find his way to the school entrance. But why was he driving so fast if he couldn't see well? So I thought I would help him out by opening the window and sticking my head out to see where we were. Nothing but the dense fog. I couldn't see anything. Then I heard a little voice in my head saying to get your head back in . I did. No sooner than I did about 2 seconds later a metal light pole came rushing by the bus inches and I mean inches from us.
To this day I don't even want to think what might have happened. I don't even want --I'm not talking about it anymore. Guardian Angels anyone?
By the way -we lost the game in the last second on a controversial play. But the good news is I'm here to write about it. See it all works out for the best really.
Stay tuned

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