Ah the gentlemanly art of golf. Many books have been written on the subject and for good reason. It's a very polarizing topic. You either hate golf or love it. There's no in between. I on the other hand am going to approach the subject from an entirely different angle. You see I was a caddy. It was my very first job. This was at the Detroit Country Club. I know the concept of Detroit and country club sound foreign maybe today but this was early 1966 and the Motor City was a very happening place. The Ford family golfed there as well as many other movers and shakers back in the day.
Caddying didn't pay very much. It depended on whether you got out or not. There were some days I don't think I carried a bag at all. Twelve hours of nothing but watching TV or shooting baskets in the backyard. On those occasions I did carry all I made was about $3-4 including the tip which was about a quarter. Some of the little old ladies tipped a dime! But it was my first job.
Speaking of little old ladies one time I was caddying for this woman who took forever off the tee. She always played last and I wanted to get a head start to the next hole so I would start walking slowly ahead at an angle to her so as not to get hit if she sliced. Well this one time she was taking forever and I'm slowing walking saying to myself come on just hit it already. No go still at the tee. I wanted to get a head start because the golfers were driving carts and the caddies had to walk and invariably they would complain if you weren't there when they were. Anyway I'm getting ahead of her now and the angle is getting less and less me being more in the line of fire if she doesn't hit it soon. Finally she swings and sure enough swoosh right by my nose less than a foot away. I secretly think she planned it that way just to keep me on my toes.
I don't understand why more people aren't hit on the golf course. I was standing on the green holding the pin with my back to the tee my heel on the edge of a sand trap. The next thing I know I hear a thud behind me. I look around and there's a ball an inch behind my heel. Some golfer was antsy and teed off without waiting for our party to leave. "Fore"
By the way Henry Ford II tipped $5.00!
Stay tuned.
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