Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Hero!

I lived next door to Laurie. We shared a common wall dividing our units. There were times when she needed help doing things at her place and I was more than happy to help. One time she announced that she was going to hire someone to clean all her windows both inside and out. I said don't -I'll do it for you and you'll only have to pay me half as much. She said "Ha! You'll never do it". I said "Oh yeah -you just watch me". That bit about her paying me half as much was a joke. I wasn't going to charge her at all. But maybe I should have. I went through a whole bottle of window cleaner and several rolls of paper towel. It took me the whole afternoon. Whew! I never said I was good at it just that I would do it. Well they actually turned out great. She was well pleased.
My real triumph came one day when she was having problems with her sewer drain in the basement. Whenever I came over to visit I could faintly smell something wasn't right emanating from the basement. This had gone on for several days and finally I asked her about it and she said yeah that she had noticed something too. Then all of a sudden every time she washed the dishes or flushed the toilet it would back up into the basement. At first just a little then one day half the basement was flooded with this putrid black water. Yech! What to do. I told her plumbing is not my specialty so she should call Roto-Rooter. She did.  They came out, roto rooted and left. But the mess was still there. In fact now it was worse! Again she was going to call someone and I told her to save her money. I would do the cleanup. She said "no, don't it's too awful". I said "leave it to me". Well it was a job from hell believe me. It took the whole day of cleaning, mopping, disinfecting and washing some clothes that were on the floor near the mess. The clothes I was wearing had to be burned of course and I had to take a couple of showers for me to get clean but when she got home after work she was amazed how good it looked and smelled. Including me!
She was happy! She said "Dave, now I truly know that you love me". You mean all the times I told you I loved you before you weren't sure? But this really proves to me that you do, she said. "My Hero". I'm sure there is a moral to the story. The say the quickest way to a man's heart is to feed him well. And I guess the quickest way to a woman's heart is clean her stinky basement. Don't seem fair does it? Leave comments below.
Stay tuned.

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