I remember going to the circus when I was a young boy. The big top, clowns, animals, the cotton candy you know the circus. But even as a child I could see that something wasn't right . The performers seemed sad somehow. Just going through the motions. The animals looked sad and seemed like they were mistreated what with the whips and sticks poking and prodding them. I was never much of a fan after that experience.
But many years later a new circus came into town so to speak-one without animals to be mistreated and performers who actually looked like they were enjoying themselves. Could this be? Cirque Du Soleil was a breath of fresh air for people who longed for the magic of the ideal circus. That experience we all longed for as children and adults. I immediately zeroed in on what they were doing . I was only able to watch them on television at first then VHS tapes and then DVDs. All the shows were spectacular . It wasn't till the year 2000 that I made up my mind to go see them in person.
I did everything online which was quite an accomplishment back then (still is if you want to know the truth) I picked the city, the date, the seats and time . I bought the most expensive tickets I could. Front row center. The only way to go I'm telling you. If you make all the effort to go to another city and stay overnight etc. why skimp on the tickets. You will not regret it.
What an experience! All senses are involved to the max. Sensory overload. But in a very pleasant way! The costumes, the lighting , staging , music and performers were all excellent. I've been to see them 5 times the last 2 with Laurie in Toronto. Everything about the Cirque is first class all the way. The music is live not canned. The best sound system I've ever heard. The big top tent is air conditioned. There is not a bad seat in the house. The front row seats put you right in on the action. Performers fly right over your head during performances. At one show the young Asian girls spinning the spools dropped one and it shot right into the audience hitting a woman right next to Laurie. I'm telling you within seconds there were two ushers right there to make sure she was alright. All your emotions are involved . There are scenes of incredible athleticism, tenderness, sadness, joy beauty, wonderment, love and everything that can be found in the human experience. You leave one of the shows on a high that lasts really for days.
Laurie and I were so taken with the production standards and the the close knit teamwork and the joyfulness of the Cirque we actually looked into finding jobs with them . Not as performers but behind the scenes in their offices in Montreal. Wouldn't that have been great! But then reality sets in and you realize you already have a wonderful life right were you are. Oh well there's always the next show.
P.S. The porta johns outside the tent flush and there's running water to wash up with. Wonderful!
Stay tuned
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